Creative Corner™ highlights from ‘Facebook killed your designer’
Words &&& Creative Ltd | 19/7/2015 | Tag: Creative Corner™ Uncut
The design heads behind Creative Corner have been at it again, compiling the highlights from ‘Facebook has killed your designer’. With such a provocative title and engaging presentation by the firebrand that is Rob Boynes it was no surprise this was our biggest meet-up to date. Punctuated by the inquisitive minds attending who spearheaded a thought provoking question time, thanks for adding to the debate. Enjoy the highlights!
If you missed ‘Facebook has killed your designer’ don’t fret! Next months Creative Corner ‘How to have a digital hit’ is only a few weeks away and we’re proud to unveil the venue for this meet-up is Google Campus. Stay posted as over the coming months we will be announcing a secret venue for each meet-up.
Rob set the tone for ‘Facebook has killed your designer’ with the architectural analogy of defining websites, media tools, social media channels and digital design principles as superstructure’s. Referencing Junkspace by Rem Koolhaas, suggesting in the age of digital media we may now be creating a whole set of soulless, mallified digital spaces. What is killing your designer is not Facebook, Twitter, Google, Flickr, Instagram… or any of the other digital power houses. It’s the idea of modernism that leaves little room for design to manoeuvre within the age of distributed media. The limitations defined by superstructure have built beautiful digital experiences. But what they give with one hand they take away with another.
This was a unique insight into the current climate of digital design. In the age of shared digital media how do brands differentiate themselves in an unbranded environment? How limiting is the readily available structures and tools for digital design? Aptly summed up by the statement ’by enabling the machine at the expense of the human undermines the power of design as a human construct’

Skip to the inspiration that will help your creative thinking
The links below will take you to the relevant part of the Creative Corner Uncut video.
- Super Structures and distributed media, by Rob Boynes – 0:27
- We are now building digital platforms in the shadow of superstructures – 0:51
- The language of the super structure is lean, fast… these are not words associated with design language – 1:32
- As a designer modernism is seduction, but is it our best option? – 1:55
- How to create a design language that creates chaos from order? – 2:31
- Enabling the machine at the expense of the human undermine the power of design as a human construct – 2:56
- Question time, or what we like to say ‘Over to You‘ – 3:08

Today as digital designers we face a new situation ‘we are designing in the shadow of these superstructures.’ Their rules, their design principles our content.
Rob left us with a compelling thought; What’s next for digital design in a post-modernist era? Will inspiration be coming from editorial design? Will we be design hacks that work in the superstructure? Will we avoid designing more superstructure…
Robs take-way points
Should we be developing a future design language that;
- embraces human needs and entertains mistakes
- supports emotion, discussion and ethics
- enables communities and education
- is complex yet open and collaborative
Thank you Rob Boynes for what was a great Creative Corner.
Facebook has killed your designer - Rob Boynes
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