Urbanista.org Website Design By &&& Creative

The new webzine of critical perspectives on contemporary urbanism by Lucy Bullivant

Website Design - Urbanista.org

Urbanista.org was founded by Lucy Bullivant to respond to social, cultural, political and global patterns in the field of urbanism.

Working collaboratively with Lucy Bullivant, Editor-in-Chief, urbanista.org disruptively remodels the publishing conventions of a webzine and embraces the future of typography online. Giving Editors full control of their content via a set of design tools to deliver a pleasurable and engaging reader experience. Ranging from a flexible set of image positions to drop caps to pull quotes. Transforming academic articles into digestible pieces of engaging content to be enjoyed on any device.

Narratives unfold through an issue-based bespoke WordPress platform that organises content by overarching theme. With the aim to opening debate about urbanism and further discussions within the field as attention for the platform grows.


Website Design Build: WordPress, HTML 5, CSS 3, Webfonts, JQuery

Social Media Engagement: Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Mailchimp, AddThis


Urbanista.org Website Design By &&& Creative

Responsive Design For Website Design Urbanista.org By &&& Creative

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